Reverse Integer

- Given a signed 32-bit integer x, return x *with its digits reversed*. If reversing x causes the value to go outside the signed 32-bit integer range [-231, 231–1], then return 0.
**Assume the environment does not allow you to store 64-bit integers (signed or unsigned).**
**Example 1:**
Input: x = 123Output: 321
**Example 2:**
Input: x = -123Output: -321
**Example 3:**
Input: x = 120Output: 21
**Example 4:**
Input: x = 0Output: 0
231 <= x <= 231–1
**Note that if the negative number in, (-) sign goes to the left.**
- -5623 👉 3265- : 🙅♀️
- -5623 👉 -3265 : 🙆♂️
0x7FFFFFFF : a hexadecimal number that represents the maximum positive value for a 32-bit number
0x80000000 : a hexadecimal number that represents the minimum negative value for a 32-bit number
Start Quokka

- check whether the number is negative / add a flag
- make absolute value the number
- turn the number into a string
- reverse it
- turn back the string into a number
- return
First attempt
Refactor the code above using modular arithmetic